Tips & Tricks to start #WildlifePhotography

Thinking of starting photography? Do you love animals? You love shooting your dog or cat? Amateur photographer?

We are going to give you superb simple tips to boost your photography hunger and if you are in England then you don’t even need to struggle in finding wildlife.

  1. Finding the location: It can be anywhere like your home garden (macro shooting), Birds, local parks, countryside or zoo. You just need an eye and a camera to decide.
  2. Patience: Wildlife photography needs a lot of patience and may be out of 100 shots you get your very own 1 shot which make people go mesmerized. Don’t forget that you cannot ask animals to stop and pose for you. You need to keep clicking & clicking to capture their each moment so that you get tons of options to select in your editing room.
  3. Research: I would suggest to read online about your object and see how people have captured them (no, I am not saying to copy the shots but to get inspired and make your very own signature shot). Read how their behavior is, how they are with humans, how they like the different weather.
  4. Light: In every type of photography, a good lighting plays a vital role. It’s always best to shoot during dawn and dusk. Sunset is best for creating a silhouette. In wildlife photography, the warm light looks best (personal opinion) but you will find a lot of wildlife pictures taken in warm light. Also, to see at what time of day your particular wildlife would be out.
  5. Framing: Again, to see what already is there on the internet can help you a lot to visualize and frame better. Practice is the key here but you also should be patient and move quietly if you need to change your frame as you don’t want them to run from you. 😉
  6. Improve your vantage point: It’s all about perspective. Isn’t it? Sometimes you need to come on your object’s eye level to see how things look from their angle. Keep clicking and keep analyzing your shots.
  7. Safety first: Depending on the nature of your object, never risk your safety. Don’t get too close.
  8. Wait for ‘the perfect’ moment: One more tip to make your photo stand out to wait for your animal to look up, look towards you, light hitting its eye, to turn its head, to walk, to flare its wings or any movement which is worth taking without disturbing their usual routine, of course!

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Don’t forget to tag us in your proud shots #GuriBroadcast 🙂


This article is written by Sristi Singh who is a Marketing professional and keeps a keen interest in photography. She currently handles social media marketing of Guri Broadcast.

N.B: Opinions expressed in this article are those of the contributing author and not necessarily that of